We welcome you as a member in the ISDP!
The International Society of Dermatopathology (ISDP) currently has over 750 members from around the world. Our members receive the annual subscription to The American Journal of Dermatopathology as a Member's benefit. They also enjoy reduced registration fees at the annual Joint Meetings and annual International Symposia.
Several membership options are available:
Regular Member, both US and International: $300.00 Associate Member, International: $105.00 (Membership for physicians from "lower income" and "lower to middle income" countries, defined by the World Bank; by approval of ISDP Membership Committee) Sponsoring Member, both US and International: $350.00 (Assists in sponsoring members from developing countries who cannot afford membership fees.) Senior Member, both US and International: $240.00 (Active members, older than 65, who are retired from practice.) Patron Member, both US and International: $800.00 (Assists in travel to ISDP educational programs in dermatopathology for physicians from developing countries. 500 dollars may be deductible as contribution) Residents/Fellows Members, both US and International: $105.00 By approval of the ISDP Membership Committee; requires letter of verification from program director including training end-date; receives on-line AJDP subscription only
For your convenience, join online with credit card: Click here <--- Preferred method! Or download a Membership Application to mail with payment: Click here
Please note, the ISDP Membership Year is from January-December, subject to renewal on December 31st.
Online new member applications received before November 1st will be accepted for the current membership year, with membership dues paid in full. The membership includes the complete year's AJDP subscription, including any back issues missed to date.
Online new member applications received after November 1st will be accepted for the next ISDP membership year beginning January 1st, including the annual AJDP subscription.
We look forward to having you as a member of the ISDP community!
The ISDP Membership Committee: Anjela Galan, MD, Chair Marcela Saeb- Lima, MD Jose A. (Tony) Plaza, MD